Mango Growing Factsheet
Growing mangoes – Perth region
There is no need to plant a grafted tree. The Bowen variety is polyembryonic (most cases true to parent). There are many examples of fine mango trees growing in Perth, the larger ones producing up to 200 mangoes in some seasons. Many of these trees have never been sprayed or fertilised regularly.
- The best time is October/November
- Prepare a large hole 60cm x 60cm. Min in well any of the following – sheep manure, mushroom compost, worm castings, prepared potting mix, any rotted manure (except chicken)
- Provide some protection from wind until 1.5metres tall
- Summer – shade cloth or ‘wind break’. Wrap around 3 or 4 garden stakes to the height of the tree
- Winter – June to October – the tree should be covered (clear plastic is preferable) to protect from frost and cold wind.
Fertilising and spraying
- 500grams NPK per year, per age (in years) of tree. First year 500gr in September, November, January. Second year 1 kilo NPK, third year 1.5kilos and so on
- Recommended 250gr sulphate of ammonia, twice a year until fruiting (up to 4 years old), then increase the amount to 500gr twice/year
- For disease control – ‘Mankozeb’ or copper oxychloride four times yearly (May, June, July, August) or a registered fungicide.
- To maximise the potential of the tree, branching needs to be induced. This is done by removing the end 5-10mm of the growth tip.
- When the tree is approximately 50cm tall, take out the top growth tip.
- When the branches have reached 30 – 40cm in length, prick the growth tip. Allow no more than three shoots to mature, two is best.
- Prick out from November to March inclusive.
- The recommendations I have given are encouraged for maximum growth. Mango trees are generally very forgiving and will produce a modest crop without much attention.
- Test pH by taking a small sample 50 – 100mm below surface. Most nurseries will do it for you. Ideal pH is 6 – 6.5.
- DO NOT plant lower than soil level in the pot (mango trees can suffer from collar rot if planted too deep).
- Do NOT use chicken manure or fertilise too soon after planting.
- DO water regularly (every second day). Mulching is beneficial.
- DO provide wind protection.